Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday 20th

Just hung around Yokosuka today. IT was very sunny so I decided to go hang out at one of the parks. After grabbing a very delicious snow cone, I just people watched for about half an hour. As the Japanese people would walk past they would laugh. I am glad I can bring entertainment to them. I wore sandals to the park and forgot to put sunscreen on my feet. Ouch, but solar cane works pretty good.

After church a coworker and myself went out to TGI Fridays. It was good food. In teaching him how to say thank you, we got into a very long conversation with the waitress.

Yogurt and Psych to cap the evening.

40 days until COUGAR FOOTBALL.



Unknown said...

Were you out early, or are stores closed on Sundays? The Seattle game will be here before you know it.

Elyse said...

Since when do you have sandals?