Thursday, February 5, 2009

Curry Time Thursday 5th 09

One of the Japanese people who I work with suggested a restaurant to me. He drew a map and made the universal sign for good food (hand over the stomach). On the map he named the place Bengaru. I went to the street but could not find a restaurant called Bengaru, then I looked down the street and noticed a place called Bengal. The joys of ESL.

It was the fastest meal I have ever eaten, and it was awesome. I had spicy beef curry. The level of spice was just right, make the mouth tingle but don't burn the throat.

Swung by Starbucks on the way home for some liquid energy.


Japan Soft Drink Challenge Random 9

1 comment:

Bella said...

hi John how are you um... you know that lemon drink you drank you should bring some home for me cause i love bitter stuff well that's all i wanted to say
love bella