Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yokohama to Kurihama - February 5th

Finally had the experience of transiting mid day with your luggage. I left the hotel around 900 and got to Bryan's place around 1020. It is not difficult, but it is not the easiest thing either. We spent the early part of the day playing games and cooking stew.

A coworker came over and then we headed out to Kamakura. I ran around quickly showing the hi-lights; Starbucks, Shrine, and central path. Then it was back to Yokosuka for dinner. Had to get in one more time at Nirvana.

After a quick train ride back to Bryan's it was time to pack and then sleep for tomorrow we travel.

Yokohama to Kurihama - Saturday February 5th


Mom said...

Have a good trip.

Unknown said...

The red Tori gate with the sunset is a really cool photo. I also enjoy all the people shots, have fun!