Saturday, July 5, 2008


The problem with wanting an adventure is that you often receive what you wanted. The downside is that it is not what you thought. Today was such a day.

I met up with a coworker to head to Mt Nokogiri. It is a series of temples located in the Chiba prefecture. It has a very large stone buddha. Along with 1500 small versions called Arhats. They varied from large to small.

Back to the adventure, we headed for the ferry. When we got to the ferry terminal, or ferry stand as they called it, we found out that it was delayed because of fog. We thought that was very strange, our ferries run during the fog. Someone brought up a good thought, Tokyo bay is one of the busiest harbors in the world. After waiting a little bit we hopped onto the ferry. It took about 40 minutes to cross the bay. It was about a 20 minute walk to the gondola.

After taking it to the top the walking began. I have never seen that many stairs in one place. The view would have been awesome if the fog wasn't there. Overall the place was pretty amazing. A lot of the stone work was down by hand. The big buddha was made in three years time. That is a lot of work.

After seemingly climbing Fuji, we got back to the rope car. When we arrived back at the ferry dock we received an unwelcome suprise. The ferry was shut down. We were literally on the other side of Tokyo Bay. We knew then that we were in the middle of an adventure.

After finding the train station we received something that I have never seen, it was a sheet of paper that had writing on it. No ticket gate or anything. We got on that train and rode it for about 2 hours. We arrived in Chiba.

We got off the platform and turned around and realized that we had been on the right platform but it was the other side. After waiting about half an hour we rode the train back to Yokosuka.

It was a very long day, but it was fun.



Unknown said...

Did you get the heebie jeebies looking down? It looked REALLY tall!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like it was worth the trip. I could feel my knees ache just looking at those stairs!!! I loved the expressions on some of the statues. You got some great and very exotic photos.

panseco said...

I like the stone Buddha and man you were right judging by the photos that it was an adventure . I also like the pics surrounding the temple .