Friday, June 13, 2008

Back in Japan

It has been a very long day. The airport went smoothly on both ends, besides the flight being delayed that was the only travel problem. There were a bunch of first time travelers on the flight. SO i saw to that they got to the hotel okay.

The problem is that the hotel is packed out and they separated us into two hotels. The other being about 2 miles away from the main hotel. So it will be interesting to see how they like that.

I got into Yokosuka about 7:30, checked into the hotel and then headed on base to the work rap up bbq. It was good to see all of the people that have worked very hard on the project once again.

Now i must go to sleep.



Unknown said...

It's good to see that you made it! And now you're a veteran, helping're so nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you arrived safely. You had a very long day. Enjoy the sun.